App aimed at easing border congestion takes top prize at Canada-U.S. hackathon

App aimed at easing border congestion takes top prize at Canada-U.S. hackathon

A two-member team of young professionals from Chicago has a new idea for unclogging the Canada-U.S. border: an app for importers and exporters based on the popular TurboTax program that many taxpayers use to fill out their annual tax forms.

The Chicago team, called TradeSherpa and made up of Steve Martinez and Price Shoemaker, emerged this past weekend as the winner of a two-day “hackathon” sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Global Affairs Canada, at which 23 teams were challenged to produce the most useful app for cross-border trade.

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Canadian companies have a big new ally in the fight against cyber crime

Canadian companies have a big new ally in the fight against cyber crime

Businesses in Canada will soon have a new network to guard against cyber crime, which is costing them more than $3 billion a year.

Nine major Canadian companies, including the big telcos and some of the Big Five banks, along with the Canadian Council of Chief Executives on Friday announced they are forming the Canadian Cyber Threat Exchange (CCTX), a non-profit organization that will allow firms to share information amongst themselves, government and research institutes about cyber attacks.

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